Layperson : Will you be staying?
A reasonable question since medical personnel in the general hospital here tend to leave the minute their hardship posting is over. Practically a revolving door installed in every department as doctors come and go.
So will I stay? Almost a year back - at the beginning of my tranfer - it would have been a flat, emphatic no. Wouldn't have entertained even for a second the thought of living her a moment longer than agreed in the terms. Mingling with the birds and the baboons miles away from civilization without any family or friends around? Just no.

The bucolic life!
These days though with a lovely home, a serene bucolic life and a job I love, I might be reconsidering. Isn't this what life is all about? Idiotic waiters and slowpoke drivers, I can deal with. Away from the hectic rush of the capital, I actually can take the time to smell the roses. Precious pockets of civilization to be found even in this isolated hamlet, books / dvds can be delivered right to the doorstep - and if I find myself in desperate need, there are eight flights a day out to the capital.
Of course I didn't consider Charming Calvin.
Paul : So what if I actually settled down here? Will you get a job here?
Calvin : Umm. Uhh.
Hemmed and hawed for at least a minute possibly. Even longer than his phlegmatic wont.
Which I figured out nearly immediately.
Imagine the horrific hometown scandal of Calvin moving in with his boyfriend! At least at the moment his sainted mama Madame Borgia can play pretend that nothing untoward is happening since such shameless shenanigans are confined to the sinful capital. But if we actually set up a home right in front of their noses!
And their meddling neighbours!
Oh the shame! I am already picturing a hysterical mother-in-law wailing dramatically at our gates - possibly lying prostrate on the ground clutching a tattered placard denouncing our criminal degenerate acts.
Not exactly the best way to have a homecoming. No wonder Calvin couldn't come up with a definite answer.
haiya... move near the mother in law next time got her to jaga ur anak ma! :P
Being in Penang where it seems almost half the State are either people I am related or acquainted to has not been an easy task for me to date anyone let alone getting into a relationship and moving in together.
Imagine bumping into grandchildren toting conservative relatives when you are shopping for king-sized bedsheets together with your boyfriend.
For my parents' perhaps?
you'd stay there??? that's new. What's next, hiking trips?
Please stay!!!!!!!!!! It's his hometown, he should come back what, hmmmph.... traitor!
Stay on lah..... Miri will be extremely quiet and a pink shade lighter without ya leh.... *pouts*
I left Kay El to come and live in sleepy hollow, never regretted my decision. Definitely a better place to lead a quality life. Turns out I don't need those malls as much I thought I do :D As for being in plain sight of the future in law ermmmmm..that's a bit tough eh, never a good thing to be chuck away in the closet..when you already are
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