Thursday, May 13, 2010

Be My Daddy

When are you ready to be a father?

Despite all the hoping and planning, I honestly don't think anyone's actually ready for the reality of parenthood. From what I've seen of the young parents I know, I think everyone just trips, falls and prays hard they actually land on something reasonably solid after.

So I've always figured why not me. I've always wondered what kinda dad I'd be. Certainly have no plans to practice parenting on cats and dogs. At the moment, the usual methods of obtaining a baby doesn't seem applicable to me. Don't think I'm gonna go straight anytime soon. Surrogacy in India could prove somewhat costly with the legitimacy ( and nationality? ) of the baby in serious doubt.

Be my Daddy!

Hence the occasional comment to the nurses here about offering adoption whenever I see an unwed teenage Juno. Which turns out to be more often than you'd imagine. But obviously the nurses here don't really trust my intentions since commitment-phobic single men tend to flee at the sight of drooling newborns.

Not run towards them.

Paul : I wonder whether they'd give up the baby for adoption.
Nurse : Haha. Imagine if you had one at your doorstep one day.
Paul : I think that would be a very good day actually.
Nurse : OMG You are serious!

Well perhaps half-serious.

Enough to be caught unprepared when a couple of the nurses accosted me today to confirm whether I was in earnest. With teenage pregnancies on the rise here - and none of the feckless tweens wanting to take the motherhood route, it seems there's always someone willing to give up their baby for adoption. Certainly a better alternative to baby-dumping.

So they wondered whether I was serious about adopting.

Which left me somewhat speechless.

Always thought this would be a question to answer when I'm a little more settled. Am I ready? Emotionally, perhaps. Financially, probably. Spiritually, God I hope so. But with my partner miles away on the wrong side of the Big Puddle, I wonder if I can go it alone. Being a single dad? Late night feedings and cranky mornings? Baby drool on silk shirts and dirty diapers in leather messenger bags?

:) Well I've never exactly shied away from a challenge.


Janvier said...

We guess when it comes to baby-caring in the early years it'll need the two of you! Feeding every hour, plus you can't get maternity leave in the first two months no?

Kenny Mah said...

I think you'd make a great dad. Plus, there's paternity leave these days, no? :D

William said...

I see you as someone who eats children's dreams for breakfast. Your child would turn out splendidly. :P

RPMnut said...

Just try not to expose them to feathered boas too early in their lives, ok? Especially turquoise ones ;) hur hur

cYiD said...

LoL-ing at all the comment above!
it's a huge step...
but everyone has it in them! :D

Cabbageboo said...

When I first read the title of this entry, I thought it was gonna be some raunchy story you gonna share hehehhe my bad!! Good luck to you..but I am somewhat curious, would the paperwork for adoption be smooth sailing? Being you and your partner are not exactly the sort of couple this country approve ..if you catch my driff.

Bradley Hyunckel said...

OMG You are serious!(took from the nurse's)

Dean Grey said...


I agree that it would be easier with a partner by your side.

I think I'd make a great dad one day too but I don't know that I could do it alone. After all, isn't two dads better than one?


Anonymous said...

its good to start earlier than later, and you can always share with us ur experience :)

Mr.D said...

I don't think they allow single guys to adopt but you can certainly try. It's a noble cause, you will be giving the baby a good life. =)

culpable said...

awww. you'd make a good daddy...