Monday, April 13, 2009

Clap Your Hands

They say that each time someone stops believing in fairies, one of them falls lifeless to the ground. If that's true, Tinkerbell had better be worried since my lil niece Chatty Carmen doesn't believe in magic.

Paul : Of course Daddy can repair it. Daddy has magical spanners and screwdrivers all over the place.
Carmen : No! He doesn't!
Paul : Why not?
Carmen : Magic isn't real. It's all make-believe.
Paul : What?
Carmen : There's no magic in the world.

Seriously. Tragic pronouncement. When she said it, I almost drove the car off the road.

Harry Potter
No magic?!

Looks like the endangered fairies had better make sure their insurance premiums are paid up. Kinda disturbing to hear such a dismal announcement from the innocent mouths of babes. What next? No Santa Claus? No Tooth Fairy?

Far too much imagination in a child can be terrifying but allowing none can be quite as traumatic. Really, save the cynicism for the jaded adults! Shouldn't there be a sense of wonder and amazement as a kid? Shouldn't there always be a sense of glee of searching under every leaf and rock for a sign that fairies - and therefore magic - exists? Shouldn't there be the fun of hiding a broken tooth under the pillow in wait?

Wonder where Carmen got such an idea. Certainly not from my brother since he wouldn't consider disabusing a child of such a notion. My liberal parents certainly never set out to convince us that Santa didn't exist!

After Chatty Carmen said that shockingly punishing statement, I quickly clapped my hands. Twice. I suggest you do so too. With the cynical kids of today, hey the fairies need all the help they can get.


.:: Ant ::. said...

Lolz. Yup, i still remember my Sis hvg told me how my niece told her lil' brother that Santa Claus at the mall wuz fake. Poor lil' fella wuz devastated!


Dave said...

Santa Claus and Tooth Fairy are so yesterday, or so 20's and 50's.

Edward Cullen is the next fantasy icon the kids worshipped.

Tanglebloom said...

dude, santa claus scares the living bejeebus outta me. seriously, even as a child. I mean come on, an old guy in blood red garbs, full beard masking his face, ominous deep voice and a huge bag that we don't know what's inside. i suspected it held dismembered people because when i was first introduced to mr claus, it was around the time of the mona fendi hooha.

it was so sweet of my niece to try and protect me from the huge blow-up santa in our local mall.

santa has his own legion of doom. they're all evil; him, the easter bunny, the loch ness monster and oprah.

V said...

we never gave up on magic until today! ;P

Little Dove said...

Chatty Carmen needs to see some real fairies. They're everywhere. Some can be found at MarketPlace and the rest at Pavilion! ;p

ichimaru akira said...

They do grow up fast,my nieces and nephews also don't believe in those stuff anymore.Sigh.

I blame discovery and nat geo.

Musang said...

kids nowadays...

i wonder when they'll say that fairy tales are for losers.

johney said...

Harry Potter is real though.

Anonymous said...

but the thing is nowadays the kids are way too smarter than our time with all the added DHA, ARA... in their formulas. they r just simply too smart and sometimes hyperactive, i can imagine some kids actually outsmart their parent, the parent couldn answer all the questions from the kids to cover up the fairy lies, so have no choice but to tell the truh... poor parents lolll...

Kenji said...

What!? I believe in magic! I shall burn your niece!! *cough* I mean... Erm... nevermind! xD

Jason said...

AARHHHH(high pitch)........

Edward Cullen i love you!!!
