Perfectly innocent weekend honestly. No lewd propositions or uncalled-for gropes despite what you guys might think ( seriously, how did innocent boring old me suddenly develop a thoroughly undeserved reputation? ). The only thing even vaguely sexual was a brief moment when I wrestled my ISO onto the carpet for the remote when he complained that he'd had enough of the melodrama on television. The man certainly doesn't have any respect for boundaries. :)
Watching medical dramas always make me sigh and recall my hectic days as an intern - or lowly house officers as they are called here. I frequently tell those who care enough to ask that my first year of internship turned out to be the most interesting and eventful year in my life and yet there is no way I would ever want to relive those crazy, wild, insane days of course ( I don't even know how I managed to go through that living nightmare! ). Working 48 hours in a stretch call with no sleep and then running down to manage the problematic patients in the clinic - all that with an empty stomach and the early symptoms of a flu coming on.
It surely brings up bittersweet memories when I see the enthusiastic interns battling it out in Grey's Anatomy. Though from recent revelations I now realize that we did have our share of scandalous exploits back then just like the lusty interns in Seattle Grace, not everything turns out to be true in reality. For one thing, none of the other interns ever looked that good ( not even in their dreams! ) and surely we had way nastier residents who literally chewed up upstart interns for breakfast but I believe we all shared the same hopes, fears and dreams as we embarked on the first year of the rest of our lives. Seems like such a terribly long time ago now but looking back, I'd have to say that it was a good year.
Not sure how the rest of my colleagues would classify me but I guess I'd have to say that depending on the hour, I'm a cross between the cool, nasty bitchiness of Christina and the sweet, inane goofiness of George. Didn't know what the hell I was doing at all in the beginning - our first day of work is akin to being tossed into the deep end of a vast Olympic swimming pool while everyone else assumes that you can swim - but I struggled on nonetheless since there wasn't much else I could do. Learnt some nifty moves of my own along the way but I'm still pretty much an amateur wading carefully in that vast pond.
Dear Savante,
Will pay special attention to Christina and George from now on.
i think there's a legal restriction against me becoming a doctor. i think it has to do with the fact that you should be interested in PRESERVING the life and health of your patients. i have the exact opposite thing in mind.
Go watch them close, wildreeds :)
quicksilver, sometimes some of us have those ideas in mind too :)
Dear Paul, you're not the only one with a towering skyscraper of DVDs waiting at your desk to be watched. It's the same here with me, although, I did managed to accomplish watching A movie this Holy Week, Elizabethown. As a matter of fact, I'm listening to Elizabethtown's Soundtrack CD now. :)
Unfortunately, me being at the gym most of nights (especially Wednesdays) during week days, I've never got a chance to catch Grey's Anatomy on TV. I was so looking to forward to it but never came around to watch it.
Don't even mention buying it on DVD. Financially incapable to do so.
But it's nice to know that you're now "wading carefully in the vast pond". All the best in your undertakings, Paul. ;)
Don't you mean more Christina & less George? And btw, I have watched until episode 20 sumthing of Grey's Anatomy, and it gets better & better. Has that been happening with you too?
Oh. I just started to watch the 1st episode last nite..thank to my younger brother effort to burn it for me.
But thank to my friend that came to my house half n hour later, now I have to burn some dvd for him..n some of the titled happen to be "embassador of ice", "raw rescue" n "forest of man"...
n im still stuck with "embassador of ice" damn damn good porn.
I've only watched two episodes of Grey's Anatomy and I already love it. As I type this my laptop's humming away under the strain of downloading the rest. UK television is so bloody slow.
Financially incapable to get DVDs? Wait for your pirates in penang, matt!
Wish all that lewd attention was happening to me, aj :) And yeah, I might be a tad more Christina.
Ooh, good porn, pakcik? Tell me more.
Whoa, Jay, you're watching it too! Isn't it great!
You should have gone diving. A grope or two underwater isn't bad. One time a dolphin stuck his tongue in my mouth. Silly gay dolphin. (you think I'm kidding but I'm not :P )
So you wade in the vast pond, but don't take the invitation to go diving with a certain someone? ;oP
I'd have taken the holiday invitation, but then sat and watched (ogled) from the leisurely comfort of the shore. :oD
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