The tall gorgeous specimen of young manhood - marvellously presented in a skimpy tank top and skintight denim - that just walked through the club entrance. Catching his scent, all the preying hawks perched at the bar immediately swivel around to keep their eye on the succulent new meat. Free cocktails, welcoming come-hither smiles and the odd sexual proposition immediately flit his way.
Almost impossible not to envy such fellows.
Even harder to sympathize especially when they gripe and moan about seemingly inconsequential problems. From recurring breakups to cheating boyfriends who don't love them, from minuscule pimple breakouts to imaginary cellulite on their taut stomachs, these pretty boys seem to have troubles aplenty.
Don't we all!

I'm more than my gorgeous abs!
But let's face it, these fellows already have one leg up on the rest of us. After all in our shallow superficial world, good looks do count. So what do they have to complain about? Seriously. Try being short, fat and dumpy for a change. At least that's what I - heavily influenced by my green-eyed prejudice - used to think.
Till I had a quick rethink after being slammed with an epiphany from one of the pretty boys.
Paul : Seriously. Why the endless angst?
Boy : Because no one takes us seriously.
Paul : But it must be nice to be lusted after. Handed free drinks and handbags.
Boy : By the party fellows who chuck us after we're used up like cheap Kleenex?
Paul : Wow.
Boy : We are fucking disposable!
Seriously. A revelation.
Took me a while but I actually found it quite true. Many of the pretty boys I do know - at least peripherally - have actually been through numerous relationships only to end up discarded like the aforementioned tissue. Or else they do the crunch-and-toss. Doubt their boyfriends last longer than a roll of wipes.
God forbid, do I actually feel a tiny shred of sympathy?
Ah, if only we had it all - brains, brawn, beauty and very sizeable... bank account! :P
Aiyah, more often than not it;s the pretty boy who's doing the use-and-toss.
Agreed with William! The smarter pretty boys know how to take advantage of their good looks, everything they want is at the drop of a hat :{
They may get what they want but almost never get what they need. There's only so much you can get through good looks.
of course they're blinded by those beautiful and dirty rich gay dudes
others,ugly and pretty poor gay dudes,they trashed 'em into garbage bin
Sigh. If we only had it all. But if everyone had it all, wouldn't be all that special now, life :)
True enough, william. And in turn they get tossed. Kinda like karma.
The successful sarong party boys, kris?
You do still get some, queerant :)
Beautiful Dirty Rich it is, bradley!
Life is never fair for everyone, isn't it. The pretty boys may be lacking of certain things too, even though people look at them with envy from the outset.
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