My needs are simple. I don't need starbursts or spontaneous presents to make me happy. It can be something as mundane as finding out that I've the day off. Getting to sleep that one hour later. Finding that fifty cent coin in my pocket on laundry day. Managing to sneak into a forbidden garden for five minutes or so when the gate's left unlocked.

Don't worry be happy!
Still I have to say that the most recent happy moment I had was yesterday. Back for the weekend after a bad on-call, I found myself lying moped at home wondering what to do ( raring to go but yet too groggy to trust myself at the wheel ) till I got a message from Big Bicep Barry. He hadn't seen Hairspray ( shocking! ) and wondered whether I'd keep him company.
There was no need to ask twice. In a flash, I was out the door wishing the world a Good Morning Baltimore. Poor Barry didn't know what he was asking for but he certainly found out when I ad-libbed almost every song from the movie during the showing. My own private karaoke. Fortunately there was only a handful of people in the cinema ( much too early a matinee ) - and I hoped I didn't cause too much of a disturbance.
Barry : You've seen this how many times again?
Paul : Twice?
Barry : Sounds like you're already part of the show.
Paul : Yeah, that's me doing the twist on the Corny Collins Show.
Well no one hounded me out of the cinema with torches and pitchforks.
A pleasant afternoon out. Even found a branch of the old noodle house I used to patronize. Nothing better than spicy pork chop noodles on a cloudy afternoon. Fortunately the owner remembered to bring along one or two handsome Myanmar waiters from the original as well.
Waiter : Anything more, sir?
Paul : Nothing. Unless you're letting me take a bite out of you.
Barry : You're scaring the guy.
Happy moments. You take them where you can. There are so few of them after all.
No kidding
true happiness love playing hide n seek
... why are you on the lipstick blog!!! horror horror!!! hahahaha. well you can always find some other cute bois for your sunday evening entertainment...
I watched hairspray last night. That cute little boy is in high school musical as well right?
I also downloaded the OST for my listening pleasure.
Truly, the movie is better than high school musical, but Dreamgirl would be better than this one. Of course I am talking about singing. Jennifer Hudson and Beyonce really sang out loud in the movie.
Anyway, Queen Latifah was gorgeous in the movie. I love every song she sang in Hairspray.
Did I mention John Travolta can really shake his bon bon?!
Don't watch Hairspray too many times, I worry for our Ozone layer. :P
Ermmm... you know what? I love musical-based movies a lot! There was once when I watch "The Phantom of the Opera" 3 times! Guess what? I love science fiction even more! When Star Wars Episode 3 was released, I watched it SIX TIMES!!! Wow, that says I am already part of the movie already. Or perhaps?
No happy moments with me, my dear? That wasn't very encouraging, was it? (Trying to sound like Pride & Prejudice)
I certainly would give you the chance to entertain yourself for the third time, if you are willing to take the chance.
zac efron, is that you? =)
did you do the mashed potato, too?
Gauzzel, true enough!
Of course! I love goal and lipsticks, danielhenry :) Wish they had hunky Chinese boys as well tho.
Yeah, that's Zac Efron, ryan. I think I've raved enough about him, right?
Might watch it again this week with Calvin, william. Stay away from the outside - the ozone's thinning.
GASP. Movie freak like me, david!
See, charming calvin wants to watch it again.
I wish iw as, ruff nurse :P
I tried but I can't bend my knee like that, mark. Probably get it twisted.
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