Not sure what Scrappy Shep could have been thinking when suddenly faced with the unwelcoming spectre of his brother Strapping Shane's friends - the freakish likes of the Baffling Babbling Buffoon, the Sufferingly Silent Sphinx and the Leering Lance. Definitely terrifying exhibits straight out of a concerned parent's worst circus nightmares - and being suddenly thrust into our company, the poor unsuspecting boy must have been permanently traumatized by the overexposure to the unhealthy perverted elements of society! :)

The Three Stooges meet Shep...
Well, at least that's what I initially thought.
Then again, he could be wondering how boring homosexual folks like us - especially dull harmless average me - could possibly pose a serious danger to society. Unfortunately ( not receiving Shane's memo about meeting his brother ) I forgot to pack my slinky feather boa and three-inch stiletto leather boots so all Shep got to see was my boring doctor persona. Somehow, cookie-cutter white-collar salaried men don't seem dangerous enough to shake the conservative pillars of society.
Apart from the occasional slip-up - especially the odd inflammatory injections from Charming Calvin otherwise known as the Sphinx - we managed to keep the conversation perfectly whistle-clean and PG-13, in view of the tender sensibilities of our younger audience. Tough enough to restrain our usual boisterous selves so we still had to resort to covering his ears for certain censored bits of our conversation. Still, that certainly didn't keep Shep from being interrogated about his future academic pursuits.
And all that just to get a glimpse of Ben Stiller during his night rounds at the museum. Think poor Shep saw quite enough odd caricatures of gay life even before the screening of the movie to last him a lifetime.
After meeting the likes of us, wouldn't even surprise me if he turns out staunchly, unbearably straight. Now, who said homosexuality was an infectious disease. :)
Scrappy Shep! ROFL!
Well if he's old enough to see the movie, he's old enough to listen in on gay banter. In fact, there's probably nothing there he hasn't heard (and worse) in the school playground already! :oD
My friends are even more perverted than you guys are.
*Leering* Lance??? Stop fiddling with the names!
See, I was right la! And Scrappy Shep is reading gay blogs now, so there's hope for him yet. :oD
Excuse me for ignoring your whole post, but you have a new site! How excited am I.
Really too much for a sane person ♥
Happy New Year MD! Have a great year ahead!
Happy New Year to you!
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