Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Performance Reviews

I'll admit I'm a sucker for gossip.

Even when it comes to me. Let's face it, when you're sitting easy in the corner office, you can reasonably expect to get brickbats. Certainly didn't expect rave reviews all the time. After all everyone - even the laziest layabouts - are entitled to an opinion.

Even bad ones.

Probably made far worse after I gave them a long blistering lecture before I made my exit. Definitely left a painfully lasting impression! Fortunately I also have a clandestine handful of spies at my side all too willing to come tattletale to me.

Spy : I heard somrthing about you!
Paul : Do tell!
Spy : It's not very good news though. A few of them have complaints.
Paul : Even better!
Spy : You don't really care, do you?
Paul : Don't really give a damn. But hell, I'd love to hear more!

It was surprisingly milder than I thought. More idle gossip than truth.

Too forceful. Too gentle. Too harsh. Too lenient. Too fast. Too slow. Trying to conform to all their individual needs would turn me into a crazed schizophrenic with an identity disorder. Such a fine line to tread between the two extremes.

Paul : Damn. You should have informed me of such treachery earlier. I could have cut off a few more heads back then!

Rather than be everything to everyone, no wonder Miranda Priestly just resolved to be one uncaring bitch. So much easier than pandering to their endless demands!

And I used to wonder why bosses can be so inexplicably nasty sometimes. Obviously you do need to walk in another man's shoes to appreciate the difficulties of his position. Take it from me, being a boss isn't all that easy either. Trying to live up to each and everyone's expectations can be damned exhausting! After a while, it's just tempting to say fuck it and do it your own way.

After receiving such a critique, you'd expect weepy penitence from the average joe - perhaps tearful promises to change for the better. But I'm kinda monstrous. Looking back, I now wish I'd cracked the whip a bit harder! Maybe made them cry.

Perhaps during their end-year performance reviews.


jamie said...

nobody loves a goodie-two-shoes boss, trust me!

they may like you, but everybody loves to have a Boss-Monster who they'd love to hate :)

Janvier said...

But surely none would liken you to being like the pointy-haired boss now, ja?

cYiD said...

nayh, boss are meant to be bossy! lol :P
and yeah, it's kindda a norm to talk about your superiors :P
just be you! :D

MrBunnyBan said...

not bitchy enough? Want to reclaim your title of saint wicked?

Kenny Mah said...

'Tis time for some delayed mid-year reviews at my office... Oh no! :P