Saturday, August 14, 2010

It's Complicated


You're absolutely positively sure about that?

Like the omniscient Big Brother, these days social networking sites such as Facebook infiltrate every insignificant segment of our lives watching our every little move. There's a hidden yet voyeuristic need to broadcast to everyone - even an almost stranger - every intimate moment of our daily lives.

Now this is what I call complicated!

Up to and including our dating eligibility. Hence the eminently helpful Facebook relationship status announcing our availability, our commitment - or perhaps something else indefinable in between. In fact, there six relationship categories to choose from: single, in a relationship, engaged, married, it's complicated, and in an open relationship.

Even newlywed couples who rush from the altar to their iPhones just to announce to the world their brand new coupledom.

Single, in a relationship, engaged or married is simple enough to define. Pretty self-explanatory actually. Since declaring a commitment directly involves another person, there's even a space to add the other fellow's name.

But when it comes to It's Complicated, I find it gets a bit murky. Seriously. When it involves two single people, how does it actually get complicated? You're either in or you're out. He's single. You're single. There's nothing really all that complicated - short of being an indentured prisoner in a gulag, a dying patient in the oncology ward or a secretly married father of two.

Tell me, how is it complicated?

FYI I'm listed as in a committed relationship :)


Aiden said...

Haha I totally agree. I've never been able to understand why people are in an "its complicated" state. There's just no inbetween like you said. You're either in or out. And if you're inbetween that usually means that they're in denial I guess.

As for being complicated, maybe they feel the need to change their relationship status as such when they have huge problems? Cheating and stuff but still doesn't want to let go? Some people are very meticulous about those stuff methinks.

William said...

In my case, it's to tell my straight friends, "I'm attached, but don't ask".

carpe diem said...

It is complicated...

I want to tell but you may not want to accept.

I am going thru hell..divorce, separation etc.

I am in one that is not within the social norm.

cYiD said...

will has a point~ lol

but sometimes...
it is too complicated~ keke :P

Mr.D said...

complicated is for gay people like us. =D

nicky05 said...

Same as william here..hehe

Celestine said...

Perhaps some people are just not ready to let on their status and perceive that it's too difficult to explain.

savante said...

Undecided is what I'd think, A :)

That would be on facebook but your real friends would already know, william.

Let's start from the top, carpe diem :) The other not wanting to accept means single and likely to remain so. Divorce / separation would also mean likely to get single soon. I'll only agree with the last bit, carpe diem and cyid. :)

Try to makes it less so, D and Nicky :)

By placing It's Complicated, it already raises questions, celestine. :)


RPMnut said...

It's Complicated = I'm kinda dating, but I'm not quite out to everyone yet, so this is about as good as it gets to saying it out loud. :P