Thursday, February 26, 2009

Does Your Mother Know

Maybe she does. Maybe she doesn't.

Seriously. I think my mother is playing some wily Jedi mind trick with me.

Though I've come out to most of my friends, a number of my colleagues and my brother, I haven't actually confirmed the fact with my doubtful parents. Although I've laid just about dozens of clues for them - just waiting for them to bring up the taboo question.

Starting to be a guessing game. Pretty sure my father knows since he drops hints quite as often as I do but my mother's been pretty closemouthed about the entire affair.

Although it's getting so painfully obvious these days that you'd have to be particularly obtuse not to notice. Here I am parading this particular fella in front of her on every possible occasion - while deliberately eschewing the company of eligible females. Not only do we coincidentally go everywhere together ( something I'm not personally apt to do! ) but we stick to each other like peas in a pod even during trips to the shower. Hell, we even retire to the same bed at the same time.

Suspicious, no?

Simply platonic?

Just when I think there's absolutely no bloody way in hell that my mother doesn't know, she then throws me entirely off my stride by asking me when I'm about to find a girlfriend and settle down. Lulling my growing suspicions for a little while so I drop my guard assuming that she's perfectly oblivious to what's happening between Charming Calvin and I.

Not for long though. Obviously preferring to have me on anxious teeterhooks, she then does a complete turnabout and invites Calvin to a cosy family trip up north.

Paul : You want him along for the cemetery-cleaning day? What's he gonna do there?
Mother : Well it's a picnic, isn't it? He's practically family.
Paul : Huh. Really?


At least I'll have someone to beguile the dull journey with - if Calvin doesn't sleep the entire journey away.


luke! said...

she knows

deep down inside, she HOPES you're not. she keeps asking about you-find-a-girl-and-get-married thing because she HOPES you'll change.

i guess you won't


Anonymous said...

Well, I hope what your mother said as "practically family" means that she tacitly accepts Calvin as her son-in-law ;)

We can only hope, right?

Legolas said...

You know me, I'll sleep if there's nothing interesting to talk about. Road trip makes me sleepy.

Jason said...

haha.. its like a desperate mother living in constant denial.. heck my mother is almost the same..

.:: Ant ::. said...

Mommy dearest knows!


JD Cole said...

all mothers will know abt her child's sexuality ;)

nase said...

Heck! Mom knows all and mom knws best!

Soul Yaoi said...

My mom was like that before i came out to her.

Im sure on some level she know.

Anonymous said...

Well since she views Calvin as family already, it'll make things all the more easier when she finally does find out. :)

cleo weiland said...

I think your mum may actually believe that Calvin is nothing more than a best friend!

Either way, break it to her gently :)I bet it's hard for her too I guess. Good luck!

Kenji said...

Hahaha parents will always be parents... They will think the best of us and try to ignore the "bad" side!! xD

Twilight Man said...

I nominate your mum for the Best Actress award for her pretentious roles! She might Calvin to carry roast pig, picnic baskets and sweep the graves like an indon maid. LOL

MrBunnyBan said...

She knows lah. Tsk. She's seen us, you know.

Chris said...

I think my parent start suspect me oredi. :p

Joe Ong said...

Fortunately mine's passed :) my mom popped it out herself straight to my face, she asked 'Everytime I called and all I heard was you are with another guy, staying with him, how he treated you, the difference is everytime you story a different guy, are you actually a gay, honest answer please!'
It's now or never, so I answered 'Hell yeah you got me...' LOL
Another thing Savante, I've been following your blog and was browsing the blogs you've following, gosh you have helluva @#$%* blogs to read, what I mean is I need improvements of writing blog or managing blog, could you recommend which blog I could follow or read to improve mine? I mean yours is definitely one of them I am following, tried to look up PLUblogs apparently the site's been terminated or something, can't open it anymore? Please advice. Thanks a million.

asd said...

there is a difference in knowing and suspecting... now she still has hope....

but sounds like she likes calvin loads anyway....

Perky said...

Whether she knows or not, at least she's open to having Calvin over the house. So that's a good sign.

Maybe slowly she'll ease into accepting that her son is gay :)

__S.B__ said...

She knows but she does not know

get my drift????

all u need to say is

Mum Calvin is my Partner

others are correct my mum made me come out when i was 16

The Vice Buddha said...

May be I am not qualified enough to actually say whether she knows! She is your mom. You understand her deep set emotions better. What I can say is that if you have the slightest hint that she knows, she probably does!

Hell,my mom doesnt have a clue. Neither does my dad. And I can't bear to think of what would happen the day they find out!


sharon said...

she knows.

kinda like how my grandma knew about my uncle, reluctantly at first, maybe in quiet denial, but later she just wanted all her children to be happy.

his "good friend" eventually is included in all our family gatherings/events.

they are still together after more than 15 years.