Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Manic Morning

His brawny hands reached for me - whether in threat or supplication, I know not. Rather than risk having my neck wrung by an inebriated - and built! - six-footer, I decided not to risk finding out. Eager to make his escape, the enterprising fellow had tugged out his restraints - and the accompanying monitors - with hardly any effort, I doubt tossing me across the room would be much of a strain.

Could have sworn getting my head smashed wasn't in my daily roster this morning. Damn. I'd have taken a second shot of caffeine if I'd known Mr Burly was here waiting for me.

Punch em
Knocked him out in far less appealing circumstances unfortunately.

As he stumbled forward drunkenly, my hand - bearing a 5 ml syringe full of sedative goodness - aimed for the perfect spot on his flexed arms. Just a twist, a shove and I had the drugs pumped in.

I was no Dr Peter Brown with a thousand and one ways of maiming a fella - but I made do with what I had. The internal clock started in my head as I took a significant step back counting the seconds. It wouldn't take long for the effects. As he clutched his head in seeming agony, the nurses shoved a chair to catch his fall.

All in a day's work.

How to deal with a violent, mentally challenged drunk who detaches himself from the bed. Think Rainman on drugs and alcohol. Dangerous combination.


nase said...

Occupational hazards alert!

Chris said...

I am not feelign well these few days. I need a doctor too..

JD Cole said...

well, i'm sure such a strong and handsome doctor like u can handle the situation with grace~ ;)

Kenji said...

HAHAHA man... I really love the way you can twist simple things into such funny-ness... For a second I did think some hotness was going on though (the first few sentences at least)!!

MrBunnyBan said...

What really surprises me is that you were carrying around the sedative, at the ready. Anticipated, or you always bring that with you?

Jason said...

WOW.. loved it until the nurses came out.. And here I thought that there would be some action finally written in words! :p

savante said...

We should get hazard pay too, nase!

Aiks. Time to get some sick leave, chris!

Can handle the grace. Not sure about the handsome part tho, Cole :P

Well it's expected of me, kenji!

I do have a few in my pockets at the ready, ban. But this time I was actually prepared.

Well the nurses are always around somewhere. You just gotta find them, jase.


Anonymous said...

eek, paul! i would never have imagined you would finally have a picture of a penis on your blog! how gay is that?