Thursday, January 12, 2012

Here Be Dragons

In every great storybook fable there has to be an important quest. Not only for the crusading knights since even genteel fairytale princesses have their own formidable feats to perform.

Snow White had to brave perilous forests, murderous huntsmen and terrifying dwarves to win her prince. Cinderella had to overcome bitchy stepsisters, vegetable transport and shockingly fragile footwear to gain entrance into the palace. Sleeping Beauty had to triumph over treacherous sewing machines and an endless coma to make it for her wedding.

We all have our own little dragons to slay.

Similar to me munching on grass and leaves to win my infamous mother-in-law's approval. So isn't it right and fair that Charming Calvin should be subjected to the same onerous trials and tribulations as I have?

Of late, I think that cagey mother of mine has been scrutinizing Calvin's every move, finding him sorely lacking when he falters miserably over the uncomplicated tasks given. Easy enough to stumble when there's someone always watching. Of course while I take each demanding endeavour as a challenge, our hero here sighingly looks at it as a burdensome chore.

Calvin : Now what should I do next?

After the last unfortunate misstep, I have already warned him to take care. The lady keeps a tally. Though my mother would strongly deny any such slander, I have no doubt she has a carefully scripted scorebook by her bedside.

So when opportunity came in the form of an unattended wake on her behalf, I knew Calvin had to leap at the chance. Obviously he had heeded my strongly worded caution since he instantly reacted. When my mother found herself unable to send her condolences, she called him only to have him unhesitatingly offer to help!

Calvin : I expect to be heartily commended. Immediately offered before she could ask, she barely finished the opening statement.
Paul : Good job.
Calvin : Hope this manages to please your mother. Now I'm going to rest.
Paul : Sending a piece of paper with flowers was exhausting.
Calvin : Yes it was. Need to shut down and restore my energies.
Paul : You know this is only the beginning, right?
Calvin : OMG.

Certainly came as a surprise that Calvin acted so pro-actively without much prompting. Kudos to our conquering hero.

So point for Calvin. Now what's coming next?


ooi2009 said...

im kinda suprised ur attached , is calvin ur age ?

Vincent~ said...

well i don think my partner will b facing any similar problems, since i will be disowned anyway. -__-

rotiboy said...

Good for you guys! Sounds like your mother should be happy with Calvin this time. this is so much like those TVB in-laws relationship dramas! (Sorry to sound like I'm watching dramas but those in-laws TV stories have yet to happen on people around me so what is happening to you and Calvin kinda interests me.)

savante said...

He's a bit younger, ooi. :)

Take your time, vincent. Doesn't mean all parents would react the way we think they would!

Thanks, rotiboy. It certainly does keep me on my toes.


Robinn T said...

JUST the beginning? haha Oh well I have yet to go far so this kinda stuffs will exist only after I get my degree set wit my mom

Rad Sujanto said...

LOLOL vegetable transport !
That sounds pathetic for a wonderful transport!! ;p

savante said...

The time will come, tempus. And it's not as far away as you think.

But imagine if it gets eaten away, rad! Don't think the transport would last a month.