Friday, November 19, 2010

Two's Company

The conduct of neither, if strictly examined, will be irreproachable; but since then, we have both, I hope, improved in civility.

With Netherfield being such a vast estate for a single fellow, I actually searched for someone to co-share the place with me. Certainly didn't have much of a criteria ready in place at the time so when a friend piped up that she'd be moving here as well, I readily agreed.

Kat : I'm moving to Miri.
Paul : Wanna share?
Kat : Sure.
Paul : Okay. Tell me when you arrive.

Seriously. It was that fast. And Kool Kat was my housemate.

Sharing the place seemed like an excellent idea after all. Even more mundane chores to do in such a big place - not to mention the endless repairs - and having someone else on the premises would certainly help allay my security paranoia. Financially speaking having a housemate would also help cut costs at least marginally.

That's what I initially thought. Of course I hadn't realized that I'd become an adult since my college days. And that I haven't actually had something close to a housemate in a really long time. Even less a roommate.

Even back in school, I only had the one roommate, and since Father John - the erstwhile community leader - spent his time preaching to the rest of the ungodly heathens about Jesus, I found myself by my lonesome most times. Good times that. Then as we moved on to our senior years, we graduated from our twin-share dorm rooms into cosy 4-bedroom apartments with a measly handkerchief-sized common area that no one bothered to use. Still pretty much left to ourselves.

The Paul & Kat Show?

Always had my own place ever since I started work as well. So when Kool Kat finally arrived to knock on my door, I didn't actually know what to think. Nervous wreck like me starts to worry whether we'd grow to hate each other after co-habitating. Familiarity breeds contempt and all that.

Fortunately it has been nothing of the sort. Yes, it takes some getting used to. Some of my personal habits have probably irritated her. Some of her idiosyncrasies has grated as well. Kat likes the ambient lighting stadium spotlight bright while I prefer mine as dim as moonlight. I'm a pillow arrangement fanatic while Kat likes to go casual.

And I gotta love the girl but Kat can really talk a mile a minute! Who called me a Chatty Cathy again? Come over here and I'll prove that Kat can actually match me word for word. Hell, she can edge in five to my measly uno.

Certainly will take a while to adjust. Till then thank God for dimmers.


Legolas said...

Another coming on board, with a pet no less.

Kenny Mah said...

Hurrah for a housemate! And one as chatty, if not more so, too. Didn't think that was quite possible. :P

Twilight Man said...

I was in your shoes too! You will be in my shirt soon.

Vincent~ said...

I am the exact opposite of ya, I always Hav roommates now jz starting to live alone, a lot of things to get use to. Good luck for the both of us! XD

William said...

Hope you won't kill each other ala "War of the Roses".