Always struck me as a particularly poignant phrase. Even though we hope for the best, we can't all have sunny days the whole year round after all.
The inevitable rain will come. Lately it seems my relationship has been suffering an unseasonal monsoon on par with the thunderstorms battering our northern states. Dark clouds have been gathering with our time apart - and it seems Charming Calvin has started developing doubts about our relationship. Time by the darkened window sill with the relentless raindrops battering the fragile pane has given him time to brood - never a good thing - which has led to a disturbing puddle of misgivings forming.

Get the umbrellas out, boys.
I'm a shockingly low-maintenance boyfriend. At least I like to think so. Don't require much apart from knowing that I have someone out there who will support me when I stumble on occasion. Otherwise I can stand tall on my own very well, thank you very much. Sure there are some things I'd love to change about Calvin. But though I love the occasional fixer-upper project, I draw the line when it comes to boyfriends. If you want a DIY project, go get a broken-down chair, don't get a boyfriend.
Turns out I haven't fulfilled his expectations when it comes to a boyfriend. Like the pouring rain it came. More time. More affirmation. More romance.
Of course I blew my top. Though I don't mind the occasional downpour, storms that roll in unexpectedly to leave me drenched and dripping always piss me off.
Then an ex called. The urge to drown him with my own complaints was there but I managed to hold in the flood. Some things you just don't discuss with an ex.
Paul : Just some problems with the boyfriend.
My ISO : Whatever you're thinking, don't.
Paul : Don't what? I haven't said a word.
My ISO : I know you. You get the occasional irrational leap of insanity. Whatever it is, don't.
Paul : I have no plans to ...
My ISO : Take a day off.
It's been a day. So yes, I've calmed down.
Ironic, isn't it to get advice from an ex? Guess my ISO has had some experience with my mercurial moods. Bet that bump on his head still hurts.
And Charming Calvin did make some valid points. Yes, into each relationship there has to be rain. But it also cleans out the dirt and clutter - so hopefully there'll be better, brighter days ahead.
Get the umbrellas out, boys. Looks like there'll be rain.
I guess a hug will be good before the rain stops.
Here's to the calm after the storm, the rainbows that come after the rain. :)
The tropical depression will subside soon!
Sunshine always come up after the rain. I'm glad you took the 'day off'.
i'm not judging you, but "Don't require much apart from knowing that I have someone out there who will support me when I stumble on occasion. Otherwise I can stand tall on my own very well, thank you very much." isn't good. some people need to know they're needed because in certain ways, that's an articulation of love. anyway, you know my standard line: have great sex. it'll clear the air! i wish you well. :-)
I like the bit when you said the rain clears the mud and clutter...
*Big Hug*
the sun will comes out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow will be sun!
Dunno if it's all good...but I guess necessary. I am going through the rain myself.
Sit down and talk things over. You both can't have it all your way. I m sure the both of u can meet somewhere halfway. This episode will only bond you both stronger if you both allow it to. Llisten to each other. All the best.
Rain rain go away, Paul wants to play! All couples have the same pattern but love truly conquers all.
Thanks everyone. I know life won't be sunny days all the time :)
Paul, you are full of wisdom. You know what you should do. You know how to handle this.
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