So much easier to confess here rather than wait for his arrival. I haven't been nice and I know it. Flaws I have aplenty; thinking I actually know what's best would be a major one. Certainly a lamentable by-product of my obsessive control freak personality. A strident failing I'm sure has led to many of my more unfortunate peers to cower from my interminable lectures.
But at least I do admit to such a fault - and if reasonably called upon, would try my best to amend my shortcomings.

Maybe if I run away very very fast...
There are others far more devious. For instance, my new colleague at work - a certain Dolores Doolittle. A new administrative officer that's sweetness itself. One would expect little bluebirds to fly to her call when she lifts her melodious voice in song. Little dwarves and forest animals to lend a hand when she does her daily chores. Surely someone so obviously angelic would never be so conniving.
Paul : I said no.
Dolores : Aw, just a little change. I am sure you will like it.
Paul : No.
Dolores : It's for your own good. Think of all the advantages! I could show them to you on presentation.
Paul : You can sing, dance and mime the entire show and it's still a no.
Dolores : You will grow to like the change, I'm sure. Actually I promise!
Paul : You just want to have your way, don't you?
Dolores : Maybe tomorrow you'll be in a better mood. Will tell you then. Or maybe in an hour?
Paul : Do you want the door slammed in your face?
Next to her, I'm positively Satan himself.
Like they say, never judge a book by its cover. I've seen dastardly agents like these at work. Looks like butter wouldn't melt in their mouth but hell, they wear you down with goodness.
Like any wily Disney villain, our sweet admin Dolores means to get her own way no matter what. From what I've seen of her, she has certainly proven to be as slick at maneuvering as the smoothest steamroller. Sure, she asks nicely and politely to run you over - but believe me, she will run you over whether you like it or not. Forget about compromise. Her seemingly innocent inquiries are merely statements of fact. Dolores is all about zero compromise.
Poisoned with sweetness, I call it. So positively nice even when she's naughty.
Wonder if Santa's wisened up to her wily ways. Perhaps a lump of coal this Christmas?
hahaha, she nail the loophole in santa's list. i keep having image of Giselle from enchanted popping in my head as i read ur story. XD
Well, vixen... those are the more dangerous vixens since you wouldn't expect such devious behaviour from them.
Does she have china plates with kittens and wear pink fleecy sweaters?
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