Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Headache Excuse

'Not tonight, dear. I have a headache.'

Alright, I'll accept that banal cliché-ridden excuse. Since I've never actually had sex with a woman - nor walked in their six-inch heels, I certainly wouldn't know how to refute that particular claim when it comes from them. Don't think the ladies would appreciate being told that a wild headboard-banging night of sex can actually cure a massive migraine!

But what about the boys?

Since time immemorial, the male of the species has been branded the insatiable hound dog ready to go any time of day. Our gay brethren included of course.

Oh baby I think I've got the headache!

So when such an old hackneyed excuse of the headache comes from a guy, you gotta feel just that little bit suspicious. Just a few weeks back when a friend of mine tried to make a move, the younger fella came up with this.

Boy : Oh I have classes this week. I can't spend the night. Gotta hit the books.

Seriously. A youthful, vital twenty year old forgoes sex for books? Look, I don't care if you're swamped with textbooks, workbooks and notes for the finals - but when you're a virile college student with a chance to get your rocks off...

There's almost no saying no to that.

So any excuse to get out of a making out session just sounds like the perfect kiss-off. The gentle prelude to a goodbye.

At least to me. I don't think I'd have said no back in my early twenties. Hell, I'd skip my own damned convocation for a good fuck. Definitely missed a few soporofic biochemistry lectures, that's for sure.


William said...

"Sorry, ass sakit".


my excuse: i jst masturbate :P

DinoRic said...

my excuses: sorry..i'm turning into a nun..=p

Kenny Mah said...

Uhm, why doesn't anyone just say "No, thank you"? :P

Legolas said...

Watch this movie.

Mr.D said...

Lol at Lego's comment.

thompsonboy said...

Aiyo...cannot simply generalize everything and everyone...I for one don't need sex everyday every moment and believe it or not, sometimes there ARE things more important than a sale or the new episode of Jersey Shore.

Twilight Man said...

I am hungry, I gotta cook cup noodles. You want some?

sharman said...

priorities, savante ;)