Thursday, July 09, 2009

A Beast in a Belle's Bookshop

Bonjour! Remember that quiant bookshop our Disney heroine Belle strolled into after belting the introductory song serenading her little town, it's a quiet village? Well unbeknownst to us all, it seems that that very same bookshop is actually located right here in this very town. Right next to the baker with his tray like always, the same old bread and rolls to sell.

Mais ouis! No wonder I felt like singing about this provincial town just the other day. Unfortunately no wicked, handsome Gastons in sight yet. According to rumour ( and judging by the admissions to the trauma ward ) though, plenty of bumbling Le Fous, daring swordfights and magic spells in this far off place.

Still I can be content with a good book in hand. Hard though they may be to find. Have to keep the precious volumes I have away from hungry goats eager to munch away the tattered pages though.

Wouldn't be easy finding a decent replacement in Belle's Bookshop after all. Don't think the fastidious Beast with his awesome library would be all too pleased with the meagre selection in the shelves. I however found it surprisingly adequate - judging by the severely bibliophobic townsfolk over here.

At least Belle tries.

Though I doubt the unlettered rustics are appreciative of the efforts.

Looking out at this provincial town!

After an hour's perusal though ( and Ii was their sole customer! ), I did find a couple of gems. Quite impossible for me to walk away from a bookshop without purchasing anything! Not only did I learn about the fascinating reign of Sylvia Leonora, the last White Ranee of Sarawak! Obviously still some charming princes to be found in these parts back then. Witness a salutation written to the self-proclaimed Queen of the Headhunters.

'Ride a cock horse
To Sarawak Cross
To see a young Ranee consumed with remorse.
She'll have bells on her fingers
And rings through her nose
And won't be permitted to wear any clo'es.'

Wandering about with my nose stuck in the book, I stumbled over an entire anthology of Bible comics. Seemed like a message from up above since they would make a novel gift for a friend! Surely Shameless Shalom wouldn't say no to a spectacular manga version of the Holy Bible with Jesus in a Samurai guise!

Seriously blasphemous. But isn't this amazing? Who'd have ever thought that this could be?


.:: Ant ::. said...

Juz give me anything now ....... hell, i'll even accept a lil' beastiality! :P lolz


MrBunnyBan said...

...huh? Melaka also has bookshop wat.

William said...

Oh...... The New Testament in manga! Cool.

2ndWave said...

"manga version of the Holy Bible with Jesus in a Samurai guise!"

Can't wait to see what they do with the Blessed Mother -- Wonder Woman maybe?

V said...

holy mary mother of jesus!

we actually like the idea og Him as a samurai~ ;P

savante said...

Depending on who's the beast, anton!

But I'm not there, ban!

It was really cool. Almost bought a copy for myself, william!

Unfortunately no, George. Mary's just the same.

Pretty fierce actually, B!